WhatsApp Will Be Banned Soon Over Security Reasons

Get ready to bid farewell to your favourite messaging apps. These could be the last days for Britons to use the immensely popular apps such as WhatsApp, Snapchat, and iMessage. British Prime Minister David Cameron is planning to ban WhatsApp and all such apps that send scrambled and end to end encrypted messages.

As per the bill that is ‘being pushed to become a law’, all your private communications through WhatsApp, images and videos on Snapchat, and conversations on Facebook can be seen by the Government, whenever required. Even your Google searches will be saved in the database. Termed as Investigatory Powers Bill, it has been urged by the legislators to make it a mandatory law, so as to curb terrorism. With the technology getting advanced everyday, anti-social elements are also becoming stronger with a safe space to hide. Intercepting the communication between the terrorists had always been credited as important when it comes to national security.

Read Also: Whatsapp Application Ranked The Worst In Protecting User Privacy & Data Safety

The recent shooting of 30 British citizens on a beach in Tunisia has only fueled the British Government to bring in the so-called Snoopers’ Charter as soon as possible. However, the politicians seem to be confused on the matter. Stopping the similar terrorist attacks is the prime agenda on the Government’s list, but snooping through every citizen’s private records has sparked debate.

Yes, everyone wants to prevent the attacks and catch the terrorists, but at what cost? Some people are Ok with their chats being read by the police while some view the Snoopers’ Charter as a blatant breach in privacy. Though the intentions of the Government are good, it does not promise that the law will not be misused. New ways to intercept terrorist communications has to be devised so that not everyone becomes the scapegoat.

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